EMind Playlist

So You Want To Start a Business

New York Times
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People are starting all kinds of businesses in this day and age. Is it your turn?

6 Mind traps That Could Sabotage Your Business

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 While women have great entrepreneur spirit, some say they often fall into "mind traps". Here are 6 to look for. 

The Truth About Black Folks and Our Reputation

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Four reasons African American small businesses get a bad rap, and how entrepreneurs can fix it. 

7 Ways to build Your Entrepreneur Support Network

Everyone needs a network of people they can count on, in both in their personal lives, and in business. For entrepreneurs especially, these support networks can make the difference between feeling like you’re out there on your own, to being deeply connected to other entrepreneurs and having a team of friends, advisers or partners to turn to when you’re not sure which direction to go.

Here are seven tips for building the ultimate network to support your entrepreneurial goals.---Tina Wells
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The small business owners may feel alone and singled out at times. Support is a very important aspect of life and business. All entrepreneurs need a network of supporting entrepreneurs in order to feel connected to and apart of the small business community.

"I Married an Entrepreneur "

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Black in America: The New Promised Land

Soledad O'Briens's "Black in America:The New Promised Land:Silicon Valley" aired on CNN last night. This segment follows 8 black entrepreneurs trying to raise equity capital in Silicon Valley. The documentary  also interviews industry  insiders about the tech start-ups by African Americans and highlights a study that shows less than 1 percent of all venture capital investment went to new digital small businesses with African American founders.